Fakeh tells the story of the title character, a young girl in her late twenties, who is a victim of the unfair belief in her locality that education is a privilege not extended to the girl child. At the tender age of 12, Fakeh is given out into marriage by her father, in settlement of a debt he cannot pay. Young Fakeh finds herself the youngest of her husband’s five wives. Her dreams of going to school and becoming the doctor she always wanted to be are shattered. Powerless, she settles into her role as wife, albeit unhappily. The docu-fiction FAKEH is an eye-opener, out to mirror this injustice, which unknown to many, is rife across the world. It brings to the limelight the plight of the girl child who is generally put on a lower rung of the ladder in comparison with her male counterpart. Fakeh is also a humanitarian cry on behalf of the girl child to stop infant marriages and put everyone on the same scale, giving them the opportunity to dream and an education to work towards achieving those dreams.

Year: 2015     Duration: 20 min     Language: English, Other



Monday, November 15 2021


Monday, November 15 2021


