Kunu (Curse)
Kunu means curse. In the Marroon tradition of Surinam, people believe, that you can suffer from curses because of actions of your ancestors. Those curses come in different shapes and forms. Poverty, difficult family relationships, internal and mental struggle etc. Eight poetic texts and poems, written and voiced by Onias Landveld, Spoken word artist, playwright and former Poet Laureate of the city of Tilburg, formed the guideline for six POC composers and animators, to shape a special story of human struggle and growth. A struggle because of the consequences of trans- and intergenerational transmission, the modern day effects of historic slavery, family relationships, the escape of sectarian religion, and the search for identity. The main character in Kunu searches for the answer to this question: “what is the curse that keeps me in my vicious circle?” His quest is portrait by displaying eight animations, in various styles and tones, to represent the phases that the main character goes through, in search of meaning and his answer. Narrating his journey, inner monologue and reflection is the voice of Onias Landveld, who guides the viewer trough this extraordinary journey.